Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pisces having difficult time dealing with things?

Bless your heart. You have been through alot. I was a stepmother for 10 years of four stepkids. it is a difficult to have a "mother" thrown upon you and then you have to do as she says. I put my foot down early in this marriage and told my husband that I refused to discipline the children. Well not always but I got tired of being the bad guy. It is cruel indeed to meet a stranger (stepmother) and then she wields the power in the home. I was uncomfortable with doling out punishment and telling these kids who didn't know me from Adam what to do and how to act and what not to do. It is very unfair to the children and also the stepmother. (If she is worth her salt anyway...that means if she is any good) You have to earn respect. It is just not given. I had to earn my stepkids love and respect. Their mother was neglectful and they lived with my husband and me. Eventually they called me "Mom" but I had earned that privilege. Unfortunately it sounds like you got a pretty rotten stepmother. Her style is being in control and telling you what to do as in chores, etc. She might even believe that your dad and her would get along better without any children. Well, she is wrong. Dead wrong. Know that in your heart. She is a selfish person and is without emotion or kindness. She sounds like the stepmother in Cinderella. She expects respect although she has not earned it. She is abusing her power over you as your "new and crappy mother. Hopefully your mother will get better and when you speak to her (which I hope you do) tell her how much you want her to get better. It sounds like she has her own demons that she is fighting right now. Drug addiction is rough. Nobody intends to become an addict but one you use a drug enough times, your body actually hurts all over when the withdrawal process begins. This stepmother is a cruel person. Pisces are generally not cruel and do not like creulty in general. You are having a hard time dealing with this woman. Can you talk to counselor at school? You have had a very difficult childhood. Terribly difficult. If you can just remember one thing and focus on this when you are feeling down. Time always brings a change. When you are young it doesn't feel like it. But one day you can walk out of that house, get a job, and then your real life will begin. You will make friends. You can surround yourself with good people. And stay away from drugs because many a Pisces looks for escape through addictions. Don't gp there please. Oh, can you volunteer at a local nursing home or at shut-ins in your neighborhood? Mother Teresa said that loneliness was the worst disease on our planet. Try to get out of that house as much as you can. Keep your chin up. You have survived this long and it won't be long until you can have your own environment. God bless you.Will be looking for your questions. Know that you are not the problem. It is easier for your stepmother to blame you for everything because I am sure she "knows" all the answers. NOT........She does not. Bless you again. Time always brings about a change. Oh, and what is your dad going to do when he is stuck there alone with her? Oh yes, his eyes will be opened. For sure. He will then understand your issues. Ha Ha Karma balances everything so hang in there. It wiill get better eventually. Again Bless your heart.

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