Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I have no friends, social anxiety, an eating disorder, depression, and horrible self esteem?

and i don't know what to do anymore. Every night i just sit in my room and cry. My mom SEES this and saying i'm just ''wallowing about my life'' Ive done everything i possibly can. I've told my parents.. they don't care. My mom keeps saying ''I'll book a doctors appointment'' but she never does. She thinks Prozac will solve everything. She's always at work and when i want to talk to her she considers it ''nagging her.'' On top of this all, i'm bullied at school for how i look which just makes my natural social anxiety and self esteem problems worse. I'm obsessed with food and i'm pretty sure i have an eating disorder because i havent gotten my period in over 8 months. I just can't bring myself to eat the amount i truly need on a daily basis.. All i do is sit in my room on the computer. I want to go out and get a job somewhere since i'm almost 16 or meet people somehow, but i find that so difficult because i panic about what people are thinking of me and end up just looking weird. I have no one to talk to and i feel helpless. Will things ever get better? How can i make them better? I feel like i can't do anything..

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