Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why and what am I feeling?

I'm going to give a little background information, I have always had a problem with change of any kind and my mind easily wanders off to worse case scenarios, for some reason. I moved 45 minutes away from my old house (which was the city, and now I'm in the valley) and the move was five or six months ago. I still haven't adjusted or made any new friends at my school and I don't really do anything and find nothing to do, I know this is the reason for my sadness because of the lack of distractions. My life has become me feeling like crap every day waiting to talk to the boy I'm in love with, who lives in another country. I get anxious as hell if I feel like we won't talk that day, and I try to invest my mind in other things but I fail miserably. He's the only thing I care about and I don't have friends here or hobbies to make me not care so much, I end up just wallowing in self pity. I'm scared this is turning into a depression.

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