Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Would the christian God forgive the Devil?

I was thinking about weather or not angels had free will,and so looked it up. My purpose being that if they didn't then how could they rebel first of all ? If they do then how could a being who describes its self as all loving and all caring,not to mention all knowledgeable condemn the fallen angels to an Eternity of torment and not forgive them, according to the bible its already planned out no forgiveness,isn't it reasonable to think that fallen angels can have a change of heart, after all they have free will and are able to think. And should not be an obstacle to the all power full one right? Makes one wonder if these stories are just myths based on an authoritarian point of view of how life should be. Do as I say,we're good,cross me and i'll destroy you. I would like to hear any ones point of view on the matter.

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