Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Is your heart ready for what God has stored?

Hello i am a mighty believor in God i love him and i ask for forgiveness eeveryday cause i did something i regret but Today my question is DO u believe in somone who created you? i know everyone has differ religions but the truth is God is the only religion there should be cause nothing else matters! You know how everythings coming in place where the anti-christ comes in! well are u ready for tht? would u rather be tortured or loved? i know my anwser thr are no fualts with God or Jesus he no sin and he forgives our sins..u know what jesus said one the cross He said " Father please forgive them" i dont know the extact words but thats what it say think about this and understand how much he loves u no matter what u do! Just dont go with the plans of trying to take over his ppl.

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