Friday, August 12, 2011

Sometimes I come here just so I don't feel alone- how about you?

I always come here to feel less alone, because I usally feel extremely alone. I suffer from depression, and find it hard to stay happy. Sometimes I feel like the only time people really notice is when I have a gun to my head, apart from that I may as well be invisible. I think mental illnesses are a lot harder! To be physically ill and happy, is much easier to deal with. Being mentally ill is a big struggle though. I totally agree with you on the less empathy part, I went to hospital for attempted suicide, and because I wasn't physically ill they didn't treat is as such a big deal. They took my blood pressure, and asked if I was hungry. I just thought, what does this have to do with anything? Sure I'm not physically unwell, but that doesn't mean I'm okay. I think society treats the mentally ill poorly. People just don't understand. Sadly.

Hurting...needing to vent...advice would really help..?

i'm sad for ur situation. i know ur feeling torn and unsure of what to do. part of u wants to stay b/c u love her. and that, to u, means being loyal and supportive. still, u have to take care of ur needs. she doesn't seem to care about how u feel. as hard as it is, u have to walk away. sometimes ppl need to see what it's like to be w/out u. besides, she messing her life up by making bad decisions. then ur there to pick up the pieces... do u really want a love like that? -i had to let go of a girl i love today. she didn't seem to care about being loyal to me so i stepped off. her name happens to be "kim", same as urs. i loved her so much, but love isn't all u need. to make it work, it takes two. feel better!

Is it possible that Jesus was black?

He was probably tan skinned. Of course it doesn't really matter. It's what Jesus did and said is what we should focus on.

Old enemies leaving death threats; they have no reason to hate me?

If I were you I would beat the **** out of the kid that stabbed you. Just don't take all of them on at once. Its normal to feel the need for revenge and revenge is an awesome feeling. If they ask you were you went just tell them you moved to Germany or some country like that because of your parents job. If they bother you about the fag **** then literally kick their *** with your steel plated shoe. Just don't hurt them too much or at school because you will get in serious trouble. Out of the 6 assholes make sure the one that knifed you gets really hurt. Break an arm or knock out his teeth. Good luck!!!

Why are people so harsh on yahoo answers?

don't get me wrong- most of you are lovely and help me out whenever I have a problem. but some people can be so mean! like when my mum got lost in the Japan earthquake, Im so depressed, I can't do anything, all I can do is wallow away in yahoo. Am I depresses? So yeah basically that was the question and I got a loud of abuse, calling me a Japanese wanker and they hope that she washes up dead on the shore of Hawaii. Should I report abuse? But there's too many to report and ands it made me feel even more depressed.

Is the school Dean a bad Dean?

Also, I remember my own Dean telling me those girls who were picking on me had the right to be jealous since it was high school and I liked the guy one of them was dating, so I needed to get over. She also told me I would never be friends with the popular kids and the guy I liked wanted nothing to do with me. Plus, letting the bullies get off scot-free when she saw the comments they said about me on facebook and one of them initiated the status. However, I got suspended for four days. Then when I tried to apologize to one of the girls so I wouldn't deal with any arguments or humilation, the girl got mad at me when I said I forgave her for all the crap she put me through because I said "I forgive myself.". And her answer was, "Forgive me for what? I didn't do anything!" She wouldn't even apologize back. The dumb Dean justified it for the girl not having anything to apologize for, but yet I had to submit myself to her like a sex slave and apologize, but not the other way around.

10 points,easy question!?

recently me and my bestfriend had a argument about a week ago, but she won't forgive me and every time i try to say something nice to her and apologize she just puts "haha" or something along those lines, and even if i do try to apologize i know that she will tell someone what i have said to her and start to laugh about it, but i don't want her to not be in my life, as i don't want to be a "tag along" too some one else as they might think of me as using them because i have had a argument with the person i normally hang round with, but as usual, our "gang" went to her side.

If this is true I don't understand why?

I've been told Christian EXTREMISTS not regular ones like myself have turned up to gay people's funerals shouting they will go to hell... that to me is very un-Christian and contradicts the bible entirely. Whether or not you agree being gay right or wrong, once they have passed, for a start that seems very arrogant to assume you know when only God should judge what happens next and secondly Christianity is about loving and respecting one another, and if you believe its wrong forgiving for mistakes especially at this stage.... why would they do that?

HELP.. i'm so anxious/depressed all the time?

I just feel like my life has lost meaning. I tried being a teacher, and I was told that I was not up to standards, so now I carry this with me wherever I go. I'm just not used to failing and I can't help but continually dwell on this failed career. Now I feel like I can never be a good teacher, because I just didn't know how to handle my class. Right now I'm working in another career, but I just don't feel fulfilled in my job. I'm always anxious all the time... and I'm always crying (at home). I just don't know what to do with my life and I feel so lost and trapped. All I want to do is just get married and have kids, I really don't want to work, and I can't see myself doing anything really, but I need to in order to make a living and survive. I just don't understand why I don't feel fulfilled.. it's like something is missing in my life. I have an amazing boyfriend and lots of friends, but I'm still always sad... WHY? I really don't know what to do and I really need to talk to someone because I keep feeling suicidal and I really want it to go away and it never does... I just always feel hopeless. PLEASE HELP

Can I be hindu and christian?

There are quite a few Hindus who accept Christ as an avatar of God like Krishna or Rama. I am a Christian but I acknowledge the truth found in other religions as well.

I need help i am in a abusive relationship with the father of my children?

I need help very badly i am in a abusive relationship with the father of my children and i need out we live together in the home that i pay for and my mother lives with us to he doesn't ever pay any bills and i want to keep the house and the car that i pay for he hasn't paid a dime i found out 5 years ago that he was cheating on me with a older women and i forgave him and found out recently that he is still with her i told him nicely that i don't care if he wants to be with her and live with her go fine but he told me he wasn't leaving the home i don't know what i have to do to get him out of the house i have called the police before on him but he was gone before they got there so they really didn't do much and then i gave in to him again with the im sorry so i didn't press charges well i cant do this anymore im gonna lose everything so i need to do whats right and get him out of my life and get him on child support like he should of been from day 1. please i need some advice what do i have to do

Why cant i enjoy life anymore?

I used to be very content in my life, I've never had it made or anything, but I remember just last year being happy, single, working three jobs just to pay the rent on my shitty house in the middle of the ghetto. Then I ever since I dated this chick for a couple weeks, its like I can't enjoy life without her. Nothing that used to make me happy does anymore, my friends and family aren't nearly as important to me as they used to be, and I keep holding on to this need to be with her. I really don't get it, I've lost all of my jobs, my house, and spend every day wallowing in self pity, and when I do get out I have to force myself to do so, whether it be going to the gym or to a party, and don't even mention looking for work, that's damn near impossible. What's going on with me? How do I get that spark back and enjoy life again? I'm tired of feeling all suicidal and stuff, its been five months and I'm still not getting better.

Would the christian God forgive the Devil?

I was thinking about weather or not angels had free will,and so looked it up. My purpose being that if they didn't then how could they rebel first of all ? If they do then how could a being who describes its self as all loving and all caring,not to mention all knowledgeable condemn the fallen angels to an Eternity of torment and not forgive them, according to the bible its already planned out no forgiveness,isn't it reasonable to think that fallen angels can have a change of heart, after all they have free will and are able to think. And should not be an obstacle to the all power full one right? Makes one wonder if these stories are just myths based on an authoritarian point of view of how life should be. Do as I say,we're good,cross me and i'll destroy you. I would like to hear any ones point of view on the matter.

Am I responsible for our break-up?

it seems like no matter what you wont be enough for him if he has to spend his time chatting with half naked girls.. im sorry but its best you went your seperate ways, you deserve a guy who appreciates you more

The dead truth about aquarius?

Aqua is amazing and sweet if you let them be! Just enjoy the show, dont judge, control or condemn and they will follow you anywhere!

Theists: If prayer is demonstrated to have a 'granted/declined' ratio identical to that of chance...?

lol. You sure are awful concerned about that which you hold no belief. You are not only concerned but terribly mislead. John 3:16 God Bless

I have a situation with my boyfriend and would like your help?

so my boyfriend got done for psuedo indecent images of children which ranged from ages 13 to 16, he did this 3 years ago, he was put on the sex offenders register for 7 years and has four years to go, hes says hes very sorry and i can see it in his face he doesnt even view porn now. hes sweet and nice and very loyal and kind, he went to church when he was young and stopped going but is now thinking about going back to God, hes also very smart and has involved me absolutely in his personal life. I would want to forgive and accept him. What would you do? please tell me what country your from and I would prefer adults to answer this question?

Self confidence boosting books? Self help?

Yah, you can download articles on Self Development and videos too on Self Improvement or attend such self-boosting seminars I am sure they can be found elsewhere you just have to make more effort after all it is what you need right? so good luck and cheer up , nothing is impossible to do really when you seriously pursue it/them.

How could I have been so stupid:( what should I do? ?

There's nothing you can really do to salvage this relationship. You made a mistake. Learn from it and move on.

How do I get over this breakup and move on when I have no closure?

My live in boyfriend left me a month ago with no job, no money, overdue bills and I had to sell my home, gave my pets away and moved to an apartment because I needed money. I truly loved this man but found out a year in to the relationship he has an substance addiction. I lost everything of worth, he sold it. Losing everything and him has been very hard on me. I am angry and want to get the last word in and he will not allow me to do so. I need to get over this and move on but I don't know how. I just want to get even for all he has done to me and I don't want to dwell on him anymore.

Does she deserve a second chance?

Alright, so i'm not going to go into the full story but this girl who i thought was one of my best friends lied to me over something stupid. When i confronted her about it she basically told me that i was never a good friend and that she never cared about me or our friendship. So yesterday i seen her at a fair and she looked at me and smiled and waved but not in a bitchy way, in like a ohh hi way. Should i forgive her?

How can i help myself?

My mum knows I suffer from mild depression, yet its a taboo subject for her. I find it hard to believe most times that I do. I have a supportive friend who has been through the same thing, and says I can talk to her anytime, and she's made me realise that I need help. So when I cry in front of my mum, telling her I feel tearful for no reason, she tells me (and has done so every time I feel low) that I'm wallowing in self pity. She has said this so many times. She said there is no reason why I should feel tearful. She told me truthfully that I should so things to occupy my mind and I'm the only one who can help myself. I agree with that totally. But she told me as long as I 'keep this up' I might kill myself at 25, and 'what a waste that would be'. She said she'd been through the same thing before, which I know of, and I could try many, many counsellors, but in the end its all up to me. She said they never work for her. For the past month, I have hit rock bottom. I constantly need my friends around me, because I'm terrified to be left alone with my thoughts. There are some days when the feeling is just not there. And there are other days when its worse than ever. Right now, I feel totally helpless, but also guilty that I feel this way, and totally stupid. My mum continually telling me its self-pity makes me feel awful, and worthless, which results me in self-harming. I somehow need a confidence boost.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How could I have been so stupid:( what should I do? ?

He does have the right to be mad. But its not your falut that you thought you had something. there has been times where i thought i had something but it was nothing. you should always find out forsure if you got something before telling the guy cause if you do have something and they get tested and its neg for them they will know you were probly sleeping around. i would just give it time. he needs time to cool off and he might talk to you again or might not. If he wants to not forgive you then you just need to move on and forget him. he wasnt the one for you. Just make sure you give him space tho, dont talk to him, dont text, dont do anything that involves talking to him. if he has true feeling for you he will come back. I hope everything works out for you tho!

I need a girls advice so I don't make a mistake?

Yeah, drop her a text, wish her a safe trip home maybe!!! She can open the convo from there if she wants to! If she likes you she won't mind u texting her so you've not got much to loose!!! Good luck and hope it all works out!!

Is it possible people are mistaking the actions of 'satan' for the actions of 'god'?

I have wondered this - Christians are very keen on the idea of tests. Perhaps Christians are meant to recognise that this cannot be the work of their loving god and those of them who accept it as god moving in mysterious ways and continue to worship him anyway fail the test and do not get into heaven.

Paranoia/anxiety disorder? PLEASE. HELP.?

I have a 'problem' I dwell on past mistakes (things I can't change.) I overthink everything, and make the worst scenario in my head. I basically need to learn how to settle down, and play my cards better. /: Also, I obsess over things, until I know its like 'perfect'. I will do things that I think will 'ease' my worrying, & I also, will start missing someone when they haven't even left yet.. I also have horrible thoughts of things, and people happening.. like somebody dying.. or something terrible happening to them. (loved ones) I don't know whats wrong with me, but I hate it.. So. Much. Please help.

What to do when someones mad at you?

So you're using your uncle to get to know Britney? I thought you would wanna get to know your long lost uncle? lollll,..... how believable is this story?

Why are Fox News Viewers the most misinformed television viewers in every major poll?

Because FOX viewers watch their favorite talking head and then just parrot whatever they say without checking facts or using critical thinking. Since FOX is notorious for skewing the facts, they end up knowing very little that is actually true.

How much do shipping containers cost on average?

I wanted to purchase one either 10 or 20 ft shipping container to store my personal belongings. I have also thought of using the 40 and 20 ft containers so I could build a dwelling. What do any of you know?

Who all found it funny seeing Chris Bosh wallow and cry like a big ol' sissy last night?

I mean he's falling out and carrying on! I'm so glad the Heat lost! It's really that piece of trash Prima Lebronna that I can't stand.What's funny is, I'll defend Bosh's performance! That dude showed up this series and was the 2nd best player behind Wade. Prima LeBronna disappeared. You call that a superstar and a legend? What a joke!

I had a 105 fever last night, was it from the sun?

if that fever did not break in 15 mins. i would have went to the hospital keeping a high temp. could cause serious brain damage.. or how a doctor would describe turn to mush... but if it broke and still feel like crap you could have got n poisoning sounds crazy but it happens! on top of sun poisoning you got dehydrated you need alo vera and LOTS of water

The ability to believe in god astonishes me..longish?

throughout most of my life i had been an agnostic never really putting much faith into anything but have always been comforted by the idea that hey theres got to be something out there but how can any of these books and faiths contain the complete will of god, and even if one could do that ive always felt that over the years many religions original goals and meanings have become perverted. up until recently i was completely content with this belief, but very recently something has made me start to struggle with the realization that i might actually be an atheist. i don't know specifically what caused this revelation, but i know that the more i dwell on it the more viable it becomes. ive actually almost completely accepted the lack of a god or a hereafter completely, and coming to this belief ive found that its much harder to handle than i would have thought before it was an entertainable idea in my head. its just like the more i think about it the more i seem to come to the conclusion that maybe we werent an accident but maybe we were and maybe there is no all knowing, all seeing, all powerful creator that drafted us in his image and maybe when we die thats just it, we die. and the more i think about mortality the more securely the belief becomes implanted in my brain, nothing we do when were alive matters since there is no afterlife in which we can be punished, spiritually were on our own and the idea of a higher power is only to keep us performing socially acceptable actions. and also the more i ponder this the more ludicrous the idea of believing in a god, who has never been proven or even hinted at by the millions of years this earth has been around. with this question i mean to convey no disrespect but only too get an unemotional, level headed answer from someone who does have the capability to believe.

Will that wallow fire come to mesa,az?

there is a wallow fire in arizona right now. and it covering most of arizona. will the fire come to mesa?!

Hi please help , this is really killing me cause i have said something so stupid to a girl that i really like?

Apologize to her in person and make her realize that you're sorry cause it sounds like you really love this chick so tell her you love her if it's true.

What should I do? Please answer?

So, my friend and i are pretty muc best friends we hang out all the time, we went to the mall yesterday and we couldn't have a sleepover because i forgot to ask my mom. So that night i asked my mom if her and i could have a sleepover tomorrow she said yes. so i told my friend we could have a sleepover the following night. then the next morning my mom told me shed rather have my friend sleepover sometime next week because she wanted to relax with my dad and i(which i dont understand how its not relaxing when my friend's over its not like we go crazy). but anyway i told my friend we couldnt have a sleepover bc my mom said no and i was really sorry. i didnt tell her why because i didn't know how to explain it since i didnt really make sense(but i regret not givingher a reason now). so she replied with "oh. okay." i said felt really bad and she said "yeah" thats when i knew she was pissed. i asked if she was mad and that i was sorry. she said no that it was fine. i said okay and that we could have a sleepover sometime this week and she repliedwith a "yeah. maybe" so i said okay and asked her what she was up to. no reply. 7 hours later i said hey and still no reply. i know shes ignoring me. but what should i do. ive seen her get angry with other friends and this is exactly what she does. she ignores them when they text her but she still reads the text. so i dont know what to do. however this has happened to me multiple times (where my mom says do it another day) but she's never gotten this upset with me also somedays she's not able to hang out with me and i could have been mad at her those times as well. infact sometimes i have been but i just said that it was all right. I always felt you should forgive and forget but anyway i feel terrible about this whole dilemma and i dont know what else to say. please i need advice. im so upset. what should i say?

What do you think or my story so far?

WOW love it! I want to know more! It would great if you posted more. A real teenage read. Keep it going. This is actually really good unlike some of the stuff on here. Fab. xxx

Looking to change my image over the summer...?

a lot of people transform after the summer, just do it! people will be shocked or w/e first week of school and then they get used to your new look. shop at more sophisticated stores rather than just wearing clothes with logos/print all over it, like hollister. not saying its bad, has lots of cute clothes as long as its brand name is printed all over whatever it is you're wearing. try not to change your personality too much either. people may think you have gotten snobbier and become a ***** if you've changed a lot and became prettier or more stylish. they'll get jealous or w/e so remember to treat people the same even if you look different!

Hi please Help , i'm so ashamed of what i supposably said to a girl in a club that i have know for two years?

I think you should tell us what exactly it is you said that is so dreadful you can't even look at yourself in the mirror.

How can i get over my dad's death?

Okya, i know i well never get over my dad's death but its gotta get easier rite? but how? Somehow he got thru losing his mom, he would talk about her alot i wish i woulda asked him how but i didnt think i would lose him till i was like 50 i never thought he could die, he was so strong he was ran over twice and feel outta a tree 3 stories i think. But than he was cuttin down a tree may 23 2011 (this year duh) and got electrocuted. I never got to say goodbye, by the time i got there he was purple and cold... i know i shouldnt even be like this, my sister and lil brother saw it all happen i donno i jus dnt feel as strong as them. I think about my dad every single day several times a day. i know how ppl always say "it was jus his time sweetie" i dont like when ppl say that cuz it wasnt my dad's time to go. he was only 46. im only 16 why wld god take him away from us. sorry wondering. i dont tell ppl all the stuff that i think so i jus wanna vent and find away to get over this. I think about him than get sad than super mad that god did this. I like to dream about him. i miss him i remember when i saw that someone else dad past away about a year ago jus made me think; wow i cldnt live if my dad died. My dad told me he cld get hit by a train and still live a week before he died and i know thats stupid to even dwell on but its hard not to.I listen to all his favorite songs. I wish i was crazii enough to see him like his ghost or something like in the movies, but no:/. i wish i could jus have another hug. Where is haven where is my dad how is this real. Sorry to much talkin ima girl so i talk alot sorry. But anyway.

Is this a good way to start a story?

Like Athiest Writer said, it is good to start in the middle of action- it keeps people interested and wants them to keep reading. I would read this.

Social taboo fades with time?

Maybe, but the dracula thing might be because of the fact that not many people especially children knew he was a real person, to most he was a mythological beast (vampire) not an actual person who was a mass murderer

What does this poem mean?

The second half is not about anything except the author's inability to write good poetry. The first half is pretty much the same. The whole poem is worthless, meaningless garbage.

Help my child won't stop soiling himself?

Hey Guys, I am at the end of my rope and thought some of you out there might have some insight. I have a 3 and a half year old son, a 2 year year old daughter and one on the way in October. I potty trained my eldest at 1.5 and he was magic even at night until just after Christmas. Then he started having 6/7 sometimes 8 pee accidents a day, and more recently started to poo in his pants and just SIT THERE wallowing in it. I have tried rewards, talking to him, EVERYThing and I am now crying over it on a daily basis. My 2-year old is almost ready to train but I am reluctant to train her until I have this sorted out because basically this problem affords me little time for anything else. Any suggestions?

What sense this poem makes to you? Where do you place it from 0-9?

a very good sonnet. surely, a man with this kind of love could change your perspective of the word love. i will give it an 8 though, you can add some more rhymes in order to make it more interesting and not boring to read, just a thought.

How can i fix this :( i really care about him?

Its long but pleaseee read! Yes I said care, because we basically were talking for two months till I screwed things up and told him not to talk to me anymore cause I thought he was using me. He replied he didn't care and That the one day he didn't have his phone I freaked out. At work its awkward he was checking out girls the whole time yesterday, and as soon as I did it he said it didn't bother him. Then he got mad when I sat some "hot" girls at their table and he called Me a *****. So my friend Gary told him to stop. I really want things back to the way they were. This is what I wanted to tell him, help me out. "I had a moment of weakness, and I made a mistake. Can't you forgive me? I don't want to lose you. But I want You to be happy, so if your happier with out me I'll just leave you alone. I was willing to forgive you about the hickies from that girl, can't you forgive me for what I said? It just means I really care about you."

Pisces having difficult time dealing with things?

Bless your heart. You have been through alot. I was a stepmother for 10 years of four stepkids. it is a difficult to have a "mother" thrown upon you and then you have to do as she says. I put my foot down early in this marriage and told my husband that I refused to discipline the children. Well not always but I got tired of being the bad guy. It is cruel indeed to meet a stranger (stepmother) and then she wields the power in the home. I was uncomfortable with doling out punishment and telling these kids who didn't know me from Adam what to do and how to act and what not to do. It is very unfair to the children and also the stepmother. (If she is worth her salt anyway...that means if she is any good) You have to earn respect. It is just not given. I had to earn my stepkids love and respect. Their mother was neglectful and they lived with my husband and me. Eventually they called me "Mom" but I had earned that privilege. Unfortunately it sounds like you got a pretty rotten stepmother. Her style is being in control and telling you what to do as in chores, etc. She might even believe that your dad and her would get along better without any children. Well, she is wrong. Dead wrong. Know that in your heart. She is a selfish person and is without emotion or kindness. She sounds like the stepmother in Cinderella. She expects respect although she has not earned it. She is abusing her power over you as your "new and crappy mother. Hopefully your mother will get better and when you speak to her (which I hope you do) tell her how much you want her to get better. It sounds like she has her own demons that she is fighting right now. Drug addiction is rough. Nobody intends to become an addict but one you use a drug enough times, your body actually hurts all over when the withdrawal process begins. This stepmother is a cruel person. Pisces are generally not cruel and do not like creulty in general. You are having a hard time dealing with this woman. Can you talk to counselor at school? You have had a very difficult childhood. Terribly difficult. If you can just remember one thing and focus on this when you are feeling down. Time always brings a change. When you are young it doesn't feel like it. But one day you can walk out of that house, get a job, and then your real life will begin. You will make friends. You can surround yourself with good people. And stay away from drugs because many a Pisces looks for escape through addictions. Don't gp there please. Oh, can you volunteer at a local nursing home or at shut-ins in your neighborhood? Mother Teresa said that loneliness was the worst disease on our planet. Try to get out of that house as much as you can. Keep your chin up. You have survived this long and it won't be long until you can have your own environment. God bless you.Will be looking for your questions. Know that you are not the problem. It is easier for your stepmother to blame you for everything because I am sure she "knows" all the answers. NOT........She does not. Bless you again. Time always brings about a change. Oh, and what is your dad going to do when he is stuck there alone with her? Oh yes, his eyes will be opened. For sure. He will then understand your issues. Ha Ha Karma balances everything so hang in there. It wiill get better eventually. Again Bless your heart.

How could I have been so stupid:( what should I do? ?

Umm I'll be mad too, but umm if u love something let go if it comes back then you'll know, but then again it did so just move on

How can i make him forgive me?

Try one more time to talk to him, and tell him it will be the last time you're gonna make an effort to talk to him (because to be honest, you've done nothing wrong). If that doesn't work, then move on. Life is too short to waste on hormonal guys.

How can I get my friendship back to how it was with her?

That's a tough situation to be in, I would say first and foremost you need to change how you treat your friends because having a "thing" with them and then hurting them just isn't cool, having a thing with them twice and hurting them really jerky. you should be lucky that this girl forgave you, she must obviously see something in you. glad you finally woke up though and realized your mistake. she was pissed at you cause not only did you hurt her once but twice! she took the risk cause she still liked you. anyways if you guys want to be close friends again you need to work out the problems between you two and I can tell you right now Don't Don't Don't get into a relationship with her, if you wanna work this out strictly be friends. be nice and understanding of each other, don't bring up your past relationship with each other as this will only make things awkward and worse. Good Luck

Help with getting over a best friend?

Yep. You can try socializing with old friends, go somewhere public or just be individual! You are your OWN PERSON. You don't need anyone. Take the pain. Just remember, She wasn't worth it. She walked away. Everything happens for a reason! :)

How to find the activation energy of an electroluminescence spectrum?

I have an electro luminescence spectrum of a DWELL structure. I need to find the activation energy for the emission. Can u tell me how to calculate activation energy from the graph

Can you live a fullfilling life without love even if you need it more than most?

ok im 35 years old finally figured out that i am just the worst possible partner a girl could have. all of my relationships have failed miserably and this last one has finally got me to take an honest look at myself, and what i realized is that with all my past relationships i have made excuses as to why why they havent worked out instead of just being honest about it... i have nothing that women want period! the problem is that i have desperately wanted to be that perfect guy every time because i fall so hard in love. i am so insecure about not being perfect that when i fall in love i just fall deeper and deeper into an existence of anxiety about how every other guy is better than me and more suitable for my woman that i cant understand why she is with me. this time i got married and had a kid though so its something completely different. i cant just wallow in misery and be pathetic i have to make sure i will be able to provide for this kid for the next 18 years. my wife (soon to be ex) is so completely competent in every way and will have no problem moving on, as a matter of fact already has... god just writing this makes me feel pathetic but whatever if theres anywhere i can show how low i can get it should be on yahoo answers in complete anonynimity. anyway she started seeing this guy who is a big hollywood producer/actor and will be starring in a big film soon as well, and there is nothing i can do to stop it.. i mean what am i gonna do go OJ on them im too rational to spend the rest of my life in prison because of this mess. shes somewhat of a goldigger (stripper) and i knew this when i met her but bc im a ******* pathetic sentimental loser i blinded myself to this fact on purpose in my everlasting quest to destroy myself over and over again. this time i actually contemplated suicide im just so ******* depressed i cant pull myself together. anyway i dont know how many people are as pathetic as me out there but i just figure its not really worth trying to have that unconditional love in my life i have strived for all this time with every woman ive ever been with. so is it possible for a sentimental fool like me to realistically put up a wall for the rest of my life and just focus on making money?..never going on a second date, running at the first sign of feelings for ******* ever? after the suicidal **** i figured if its choice between killing myself or living a life with some sort of purpose why not at least go with that? i have been approaching love from the wrong angle every time and i dont think i will ever get it right, and whats more it destroys any strengths i have in other aspects of my life and they go to **** further perpetuating the reason that the girl shouldnt be with me. i know that when i start getting my **** together again women will start to be attaracted to me once again, because they just love that confidence that men exude when things are going well for them. but if i let another one in i will lose everything once again and no woman will be attracted to me anyways including the one that would be with me because when your a pathetic loser you completely repell women with your depressed lame attitude. so whats the deal? anyone ever felt this way and just shut themselves out of any possibility of being in a meaningful relationship out of fear of becoming this way? has life for you been a success since you made this decision?

Why am I so unhappy with my life?

There's God who loves you and it is true. I felt emptiness in my life but when I got to know Jesus everything has changed, truly.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are Scorpios automatically created without the ability to forgive?

When a Scorpio is born are they automatically born without the ability to forgive others? Are they just naturally doomed to be vengeful for the rest of their lives? Do they ever speak to people they get angry with over trivial things ever again? How does someone go about getting a Scorpio that they haven't spoken to in YEARS to communicate with them again? Any Scorpios can comment.

Comment my poem plz.if you can?

It is good,but try to use one words which make it superior. Try to use any sentence by which u will start and cut stanzas to change subject. Good luck!

Is it rude to dislike obesity?

your not helping anyone by disliking obese people. how is that helping them? and YES obesity CAN be genetic though very few cases are. it has to do with your metabolism. that was super rude and horrible of you to defriend your friend when they get fat. you should have boosted her up and encouraged her to work out by maybe even setting up a workout plan with her.

Have you been out with someone who expected perfection/high expectations from you?

I went out with a guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. The first time we met we get along sooo well, it was "to natural".During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better...

Does he like me help please?

from my point of view he really likes you alot! but another reason he is doing all of this shiz is maybe because he is desperate or wants attention or maybe have more of a status around school (more popular) you should ask him who he likes and maybe seem more flirtatious around him and show more that you like him. but be specific with him incase he doesnt feel the same way. HOPE IT HELLPPS ;D XX

Why won't she forgive me?

Like you said, you keep hurting her and she's finally had enough. You're not funny, doing these things at someone else's expense.

In your opinion, what band has the most annoying fans?

Generally speaking, I'd say My Chemical Romance (although I love them), Black Veil Brides, or Bring Me the Horizon. Why? Most of them are textbook nonconformists who will lash out at anyone who doesn't shop at Hot Topic for being "mindless sheep" and then go wallow in self-pity.

What does my boyfriend mean when he says argentines are generally happier than americans?

well i was talking to my argentine boyfriend about his home country i am pregnant and he said his family has a business down there so we would be more financially stable for now till we come back to america but i said but isnt argenina a developing country? and he told me yes in a way but in argentina they dont dwell on material possesions like americans and they essentially have a better quality of life and i still dont get what he means by it and he said i would be happier in argentina but i still dont get what he means by "argentines are generally happier than americans" can someone help me understand?

Why would anyone do that?

Anostly, i wouldnt bring it back up and act like its over with but deep inside even if you forget what she said you said you would never forget how she made you feel

How do you make a relationship work after 8 months of abuse?

Me and my fiance, have gone thru alot over the last ten months. and i love this man with all my heart, but one things that makes me sketch about being with him is that he has abused me for 8 months of our relationship. and now i am pregnant with his son. and i couldn't be happier that we are having a family. the real downer is that even though he has beat me, i have hit him and done some very mean things to him in return of him doing them to me it has always been a two way street. I'm just not entirely sure how i am suppose to make this work with him even though he is taking full responsibility for is action and is currently awaiting to be charged. but how do i fix this relationship, when we don't let what each other has done to one another affect us we are a match made in heaven. but how do i stop holding a grudge and forgive him for all that he has done when i know that he is sorry and that he loves me? he just didn't know how to express it. i'm so lost on how to make it work for the sake of my heart and our son, this man i plan to marry in 2013. someone please help im so lost on how to just let him love me instead of just pushing him away.

Confusing sexual preferences?

Ok so I'm a normal teenage girl that likes boys. However, I've always had this weird thing lurking in my mind. I'm kind of a tomboy and I connect better with my male friends but not in an unnaturally manly way. I've always wished I had been born a guy but I don't dwell on it or think about sex changes or anything. For some weird reason I'm attracted to homosexual male relationships. They kind of turn me on. I also like being the dominate one in the relationship much like the man should be but I do embrace my femininity. I'm not really attracted to girls but I've always wanted to try out a relationship with them. Could I be a lesbian? I don't feel like one. Are my weird attractions normal in some way? I'm kind of confused.

Issues with my Dad.??? Help?

It might be cause of it, or he might just want more attention. Just try to yell back and forth too much. I had to live like that for five years and it was to a point that I ran away. But for you it doesn't have to get to that point. When you go out and he says that just take it like a joke. Ask him if he wants anything! Lol once he sees you're not getting mad (that's what he wants you to be) he'll most likely stop. If not, have a serious talk with your mom about what's going on. Be patient, I know what you're feeling. Just try to hit. Remember he's bigger and can do more damage. I fought my step dad and it didn't turn out pretty for me. Hope I helped! Stay strong it'll stop some day. (:

I'm very depressed at this moment..what do I do now with this girl?

be practical.u can not be something to every body on earth.there might be girls who really like you but u do not have any feelings for is quite must move on.this planet is full of girls.there may be some body who will love you more than her.and you will not be a weirdo for her for sure.good girls always respect guys who respect them.have some goals in life and work on them.getting attracted to some body is nothing more than a hormonal influence.keep it will definitely get better girls.but remember,you have only one life.make it or spoil it after a girl,its all upto you.

Boyfriend trouble: help?

About a week ago I found out that my boyfriend was doing stuff with his ex girlfriend) (they grinded at the club, she kissed him a couple of months ago and they were flirting a lot over text (they were doing some bet or game thing and she said if she wins...he has to tell his best friend and me that she and my bf were getting back together). It completely shattered me emotionally and although we had a huge discussion about it and he showed his remorse and i forgave him, i am finding it very hard to trust him. i've been feeling sick over this issue for the past few days now. what can I do?

Sexual problem ongoing?

If you had the will-power to stay away from porn sites for a couple of weeks, then in that time frame girls in real life would turn you on; but I don't think you have the will. The PC will ruin your life. Normal girls are much more of a turn on to me. The fun is in the Challenge. Please don't make love in real life if you get the chance like the girl is in a porn flick. Show her a little respect and take it slow.

Where have all the good men gone?

There are plenty of good men. The thing is that good men are getting better and better at avoiding bad women - that's why women like yourself will never be able to find any.

How do I avoid negativity when I felt judged on a date?

I went out with an guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. The first time we met we get along sooo well, it was "to natural".During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better... He expected me to literally be this "perfect" girl...

Help me check any grammatical errors regarding my sentences?

I had a chat with ex-boyfriend online last night, and gave him a look at my diary which about him; he didn't tell me his feel after read it. It a little disappointed me. I was listening 60s' songs as miss him, imagine his sleep look. I thought I wallow in the love for him deeply that cannot extricate myself. Unfortunately he has doesn‘t belong to me, I can love him in secret.

Ex-Friends and facebook...?

I had a friend in High School that went on through out most of my college years. We stopped being friends when she accused me of being awkward around her fianc�e and not wanting to hang out with her any more. After she brought this to my attention (which I completely disagreed with, because I didn't/don't have a problem with him, I actually liked him for her and from my perspective we BOTH got busy with our own lives and just didn't put in the time for the friendship.) After a medium size blow up I invited her to a few things, all of which she turned down, and decided that if she really wanted to make a change in the friendship she would ask me to a few things. Well, that never happened. So we just lost touch. I definitely believe in the "you can go weeks, months or years without talking but true friends can just pick right up like it was yesterday" and from her actions I believe she doesn't believe in that. I decided to move on with my life, but she friend-ed me on facebook. I accepted at first and then de-friended her after it just weighted to heavily on how everything ended when ever I saw a comment from her. But the she re-friended me and we are now friends on facebook again. I am 6 1/2 months pregnant and it just hurts my heart when I see things from her and makes it impossible to move on because of the way things ended. I just found out that she is 5 1/2 months pregnant. And it makes me sad and sometimes angry when I see her talking to other mutual friends as well, (probably hormones) I don't want to wallow in this any more. Should I just de-friend her again, or should I send her a message explaining what my feelings are?

Forgiveness... what do you think about THIS?

You should forgive him, then call the cops. If you were a true Christian, you would want him to get better. There's no better way for him to get the help he needs than to see what stealing does to people. Once his virginity is stolen in prison, perhaps he will learn his lesson.

My mom and her sister got back together, need help?

In the past my mom and her sister were very close and when her sister's husband went to jail my mom would buy daily household items for her and her children and give them money letting her children stay over our house and buying for them food but when their dad got out of prison he told his family not to talk to us anymore and after afew years later when their house was taken back from the government they want our help now but I can't seem to forgive them and I told my mom that I won't talk to them but my mom insisted me to talk to them what should I do? My mom loan them 150 bucks they pay back and her sister buy for me food and other stuff but whatever they do I can't seem to forgive them cuz I'm thinking that they are just using us again.

Is the school Dean a bad Dean?

Also, I remember my own Dean telling me those girls who were picking on me had the right to be jealous since it was high school and I liked the guy one of them was dating, so I needed to get over. She also told me I would never be friends with the popular kids and the guy I liked wanted nothing to do with me. Plus, letting the bullies get off scot-free when she saw the comments they said about me on facebook and one of them initiated the status. However, I got suspended for four days. Then when I tried to apologize to one of the girls so I wouldn't deal with any arguments or humilation, the girl got mad at me when I said I forgave her for all the crap she put me through because I said "I forgive myself.". And her answer was, "Forgive me for what? I didn't do anything!" She wouldn't even apologize back. The dumb Dean justified it for the girl not having anything to apologize for, but yet I had to submit myself to her like a sex slave and apologize, but not the other way around.

At what point does the average lower class, African American, inner city dwelling voter say to themselves?

"Hmmmmm this whole voting democrat every election since my grandma told my my mom to, and now my moms told me too, has it worked out??? hmmmm not so much" When will they look at their surroundings and say to themselves, "No longer will I be an idiot and vote democrats into office again. The fact I'm told Republicans are rich, fat cat, liars might not be so true. I've voted a democrat everytime yet i'm still broke, poor, and living in the gutter. Maybe I should try something different? Maybe just maybe."

Is this a good way to start a story?

I think it's a good way to start. It really caught my attention and I was hooked enough to read the whole thing (which I normally don't do on these things). I don't agree with the other comment that you need to start earlier in the story; I think it's perfect as is.

What are some songs about being dumped, but being happy?

Daughtry - Over You. It's pretty neutral in my opinion, and about moving on. This song sounds like it would go with your situation well, give it a listen, it's a good song.

Have you been out with someone who expected perfection/high expectations from you?

I went out with a guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better...

Rate my rock lyrics i wrote please?

While it's true that the lyrics are the most important part of the song, the music & melody line (singing) are most definately NOT just- "strictly for atmosphere". The "hook" of a song-usually the vocal line during the chorus, is usually what makes a song catchy/memorable. A LOT of work have to go into the structure of the music/melody part of a song to make it count. Sometimes this might even call for a slight (or moderate) reworking of the lyrics. A whole book could be (and many have been) written about the subject of songwriting/structure. Now...down to the lyrics themselves, it looks as though you have a good grasp (especially at your age) of the basic mechanics of songwriting. ( You might want to think about a bridge). are some SUGGESTIONS, that, again, are made without hearing your music/song structure/melody line. 1st verse- 1).You might want to strike the "i'm" from the beginning of the third line 2).As the 1st verse closes, are you saying that it's your self-pity or your situation that "needs to be taken seriously" thats unclear. The last three lines of verse 1 could be re-worked slightly without losing any strength/power. As far as the chorus goes...what is being "immolated"? (burned up), you, your situation, your self-pity? That's a little unclear. The 2nd verse-"wrong time & certainly wrong place" seems to lose the rhythm of the previous lyrics (as iI hear them in my head anyway). Maybe just "wrong time- wrong place" might work. And then the last line of verse 2, "forgotten up and over this day" might need rewording...I don't know. Look, I know it hurts like H@##, to have something you bore out of your heart, soul and mind to be picked apart, but thats what we as songwriters have to do. Be merciless. Be critical. You certainly avoid the thing that I hate the most which is triteness. "I'm so blue-cause I can't have you" type stuff. Look. You've got something here, just don't be too afraid, or too proud to take a scalpel to it to make it better. And JUST KEEP WRITING SONGS. YOUVE GOT THE DESIRE, YOUVE GOT THE TALENT. But like any talent it needs to be honed and refined. DO NOT GIVE UP. I look foward to hearing your music on the radio in the future. Good luck...JRH

So..what do I do now? I'm very depressed about her?

It's just one girl there's like billions of other fish out there to choose from so don't let this one fish get ya down .You will find someone who suits you and who is actually better for you someday..for now i'd say watch a lot of comedy shows or something to make you laugh to get through the hard times.

How do I trust God again?

I grew up in a good home, both of my parents are still together, i was an only child, and no major catastrophe's happened to me as a child. When i was in the eighth grade, my christian friends pushed me away, and my other friends began to experiment with drugs and alcohol. I didn't get involved. Until ninth grade, i got so lonely and depressed because i didn't fit in, i cut myself. Two girls from church found out and made me tell my mom. She didn't care, though. She just told me it was stupid, and never said anything else about it. This was around November. I held strong until February, when i got involved with a senior. He was too forceful and rough, and controlling. I'd rather not go into what happened, he never hurt me or anything though. I broke up with him, but that guilty feeling along with the fear of him never went away. I started telling lies, to try to get people to care and understand that I was hurting. Nobody did though. So the lies got worse. I got involved in drinking, and drifted farther away from God. By summer, they were outrageous. It was unbelievable, and i felt so guilty about it. I went to a christian summer camp, and vowed to change my ways. I did, for a couple of months. Tenth grade came, i started failing all my classes. I quit caring. I cut again. I drank again. The lies started again. I knew it was wrong. I just couldn't resist. Nobody from church could help me, i was embarrassed to admit what i was going through. I was scared that I'd get put into a mental asylum for cutting. I couldn't bare to look into my parents eyes, because they saw their wonderful daughter of whom they were so proud. But all I saw was a failure. January, i finally told the truth about all the lies. I figured, if I'm honest, maybe, just maybe, I'll be forgiven. It'll be okay. So I told the truth to the friends who I had lied to. I cried all night that night, I cut again. I didn't see any way out of this mess. I felt like i was at rock bottom. I was considering suicide that night, because I felt so alone. I turned away from God. My friend knew i was falling apart, and despite the fact that I had lied to him for months, made me promise not to kill myself. I did. After that night, I didn't hear from him for about six months. Then, this summer, i stole tequila from my cousin. I had it hidden in my room, and didn't drink it. I went back to this same summer camp, and actually got it. I made amends with my friend who i had lied to. I got closer with my friends from church, and made some real christian connections. My friend insisted I tell a minister or a minister's wife about what I had done, but I can't bring myself to do it. I don't trust adults after my mom didn't care when I had cut, and I don't trust God. I don't like to admit that, and I want that to change, but I don't know how. Someone, please, help me? And don't say "This is a stupid situation, just do it" or "why would you consider suicide or cut yourself". I already feel guilty enough. I know i was in the wrong, and I'm trying to change my life from this. I poured out the alcohol, and told my cousin i took it. I'm only sixteen, and I don't know where to go from here. Any tips?

Insecure about fianc�e's ex?

Ok first of all I have to say that I love my fianc�e very much and up until Saturday things were wonderful with us. Well I've always been a little insecure about my size um..down there. Well we were at a grocery store and getting some cucumbers and I joked around saying that's how big I wanted to be and she said " trust me you'd hurt me, I know this. " it caught me off guard and I asked her if she's had that big before and she said let's not talk about it and tried to change the subject. I started to dwell on it and I said who and after a bit she said her ex before me. I asked "so he was twice my size"? And she again stalled and said yes but then went on about how I was a good lover and it's not all about size and and that she loves me sonit doesn't matter. Well since then I don't really have a desire to sleep with her knowing this. I feel inadequate. Especially since early in our relationship i asked if I was her best and after she stalledahe admitted that he was but that he could never love her like I did. We're getting married in 4 weeks and I just feel like I'm cheating her.

Ugh! He called me a .....?

well did he **** somebody or not? cuz if i showed up at my girl's place wasted and smelling strongly of perfume and told her id been at my pal zachs house she would laugh her *** off. It could just be our different life styles but if you can find out he did for sure then dump him

Is it normal to become bitter toward someone during a long term relationship?

Idk it makes sense to me even if it's just a long term relashinship where there wasn't that kind of problems eventually at one point or another someone starts feeling maybe it would be better with someone else and everyone makes mistakes but what defines love is you decide to stay together no matter what.

GIRLS: would you date mE?

Hello ladys i just wanted to know cause i want To improve my look based on attractivness ,well im 5'11 im 15 im chubby but fit and a little muscular no 6 pak but i have pecs and nice biceps and im a pretty nice guy i hate being mean to ppl unless they are mean first but i always end up forgeting and forgiving so what do yo think?

Question for married couples. Did you go through alot but kept your marriage?

i know my man has cheated before. Im 22 he is 30 we been together five years.he talks about marriage but can i forgive him and move on. Can you honestly go through alot wit a man and still work it out and make your relationship last. How can i keep us together. Im having a baby girl december this will be his first child please help

A need for expression; please bear with me and comment, if you'd like?

Wow! This is what "expression" is about! S2 was specially enormous! The structure, the rhythm, the message and rhymes really knocked me out. You are indeed the poet among poets!

How can I stop hating myself and my life?

Call the licensed counselors 24/7 at 1-800-525-LOVE and tell your story and problem. Give a read to "For Men Only," Shaunti Feldhahn, and "Sacred Psychology of Love," Marilyn Barrick. Reviews at a href="" rel="nofollow" Give yourself some kindness, care. You are angry and depressed, and need to connect with counseling. Call the 1-800 number, and also communicate your frustration with the people at a href="" rel="nofollow" God loves you!

I have a legal question about how to file charges on a person who has commited assult. the police refused file?

I was wondering if there is anyone in the legal system that could give a bit of advice. My mom lives with her boyfriend in her house. her boy friend has another house that he used to live in before he met my mother. Now his son and daughter stay where he used to live. my mom and her boy friend share a car. one day my mom went to her boyfriend's old house where his kids live to pick him up. My mom has always had problems with his daughter. she has attacked my mom in the past on many occasions. his daughter is in her 20's my mom is 58. Is daughter is also mentally ill but refuses treatment. mom's boyfriend invites her in and his daughter attacks her and bends her thumb back as if to break it. my mom wants to call the police but his daughter wont let her. instead she calls. my mom is arrested for knowingly entering the dwelling of his daughter and yelling obscenity's in an unreasonable manor as to disturb the peace. when my mom asks the police to arrest her bf's daughter for assault police refuse. Her boyfriends daughter has a criminal record and isn't allowed to be alone with her own child. my mom has no record what so ever. what can she do to bring charges against his daughter? should she try to talk to the police again or is there someone else that she can go to to get charges filed? she lives in a small town where she is likely to have the same officer who refused to file charges respond if she calls the police. If there is anyone who knows the law well that could help me out with this, appreciated. Also the state that this happened in is illinois if that helps. thanks.

Has she been using me to make her ex boyfriend jealous?

Yes your doubt is absolutely true..dont waste your time with her..she looks like very intelligent girl..please step back and you have a great life a head..concentrate on good things..all the best

Will you take some time and comment-on/criticize/rate the poem I wrote [typed]?

I really enjoyed your poem, Its deep in its thought. I so agree with you on where is the action.Words don't mean anything with-out action behind them. If I'm reading into it correctly.(if not please don't take offense, I really like it.) You are a pretty good writer. Good luck! I give you an 71/2 out of 10

What is it about Mothers and their sons? really, what?

I have an older brother who only lives an hour away,an hour and he never ever rings or calls down to check on his parents. My Mum will ring him and text him or leave a voicemail but he never answers. Us siblings also get ignored unless we physically go visit. He has days off where he could come home and do odd jobs around the house or just visit mind you when he does once every 6mths hes always texting his stupid girlfriend so he may as well not be here as hes not listening when hes checking his mobile every 2secs! It annoys my Dad no end but Mother will always make excuses up for him and forgive him for not answering when she calls or texts 50 times a week.We have had it out with him each of us but sadly he just doesnt seem bothered.

Why do some people think love/crushes make everything all right?

Life is weird. We all want to feel special and grab onto anything that feels good at the moment asap without thinking about the re-precautions.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If my brother hit my cat super hard, will it still love him as much as before?

My cat was being bad today,so my brother hit her as hard as he could( he's an idiot). The cat went inside on of our rooms and hasn't come out in a while. We got her at 5 weeks old, and we have had her for about a month. she followed mybrother around everywhere when we brought her home. Ihitmy brother untili he cried for what he did. Will she forgive him, then everything will be back to the way it used to be?

Please i need help with paranoia and anxiety and life?

You need to relax and calm down I'm jus like u me and my gf are 17 were getting ready to gt married and she has lied to me In the past but I've forgiven her a million times over so think a out it would your husband want it if u were mulling over this wouldn't he want u to be happy he's forgiven you and now I've got a question fr u is it a good idea to gt married this young I want to talk to u bout it if u will plz email me at thanx but remember move on you'll do fine youll calm down jus relax z d breath listen to your heart and see that heforgives you

Hi please Help , i'm so ashamed of what i supposably said to a girl in a club that i have know for two years?

I think you should tell us what exactly it is you said that is so dreadful you can't even look at yourself in the mirror.

Going through all my past relationships and for some reason looking for things to get upset about?

Broke up with my ex about 2.5 months ago, had two flings since then. The last one ended quickly but painfully for me because she didn't think we were serious at all, and I thought we had a future. For about 3 weeks I dwelled on that and was pretty upset. I'm finally pretty much over it but then a few days later I started thinking about the girl before that who was nuts and kind of used me and got upset. Now I'm dwelling on my ex wondering if she also was using me or was as faithful as she seemed. Ugh I feel like I'm being ridiculously cynical and crazy because me and my ex had a really good relationship. Anyone gone through this? Any advice?

What are some good depressing songs?

I enjoy wallowing in my self pity. What are some good songs to wallow in my pity to? I like songs like Pin Up by Evans Blue, Breathe No More by Evanescence, and My Skin by Natalie Merchant.

Would law be the allegory for vomit, mire, folly, evil, concision, etc in these allegoric Bible verses?

Yes. I do believe, and these will never enter the kingdom. If you have ever broken one, you are guilty of all the law, this only brings death.

What is it about a Taurus that people don't like?

I only have one planet in taurus which is the sun unfortunately. I have gemini rising, a leo moon and aries mercury. I have tried everything, changing the way i speak, build a relationship, forgive, trust, communicate a lot and literally help out giving advice. I don't know why people still use me and think thst i'm not bright or basically i'm worthless in front of them. What do i have to do to?

I don't love my girlfriend anymore (complicated)?

Our relationship hasnt been going that long only about 4 months and I already feel its getting old and time to break up. She is a really nice girl and should be perfect for me but i feel that shes more like my best friend than my girlfriend but she absolutely adores and loves me. Im nice to her and I listen to everything she says and I even take care of her when shes feeling ill (quite often) but I really dont want to bee in a relationship anymore. This time last year I was with another girl who was my first "serious" relationship, we where together about five months and i loved her with all my heart even though out relationship was long distance and not the best, when she dumped me I went into almost chronic depression for about 2 months but a week after she dumped me i got myself a rebound who i hated after a month and this made me sick of relationships... 5 months later I get with this "perfect" girl who I thought should be everything I ever wanted but she just copies everything I do and idolises me like a child would their parents, the worst part is shes 2 years older than me. I know i should love this girl any way but I cant. everything she does annoys me and she tries to live up to the lifestyle I want to live but my lifes become boring and mundane as she wants to see me every waking hour god gives. If I dump her shell be so hurt but if we continue then our lives will just become worthless and trashy. Im 16 and were already acting like old hermits in a retirement home. Shes a lovely girl but she has no real friends and im all shes got and dumping her would take away everything she has and im afraid there will be noone there to help her if i do. we have loads in common but she always gets annoyed when I say anything about her being feminine or girly so she really makes me uncomfortable. Id love her as a best friend but I cant take this monotony anymore. plus I still havnt got over that one girl that broke my heart.. or i could just man up and stop wallowing in my sorrows haha but seriously I need help on this, I care about her feelings i really do but this relationship is pointless. please help.

Help with creating my own religion?

You don't have any fear-laden rumor-mongering...without fear-laden rumor-mongering your new religion is doomed to failure

Are we alone here? Who else is G-D addressing in Isaiah 18:3?

It is poetic in Hebrew. There is nothing there to hint that GOD is speaking to two groups. He is speaking to one group- everyone on the earth.

Why do people say agnostics haven't made up their mind?

I don't know whether there is a god or not. I hope for one, but I can't know, so I don't dwell on it, because it does not matter. I have made up my mind.

I have a situation with my boyfriend and would like your help?

so my boyfriend got done for psuedo indecent images of children which ranged from ages 13 to 16, he did this 3 years ago, he was put on the sex offenders register for 7 years and has four years to go, hes says hes very sorry and i can see it in his face he doesnt even view porn now. hes sweet and nice and very loyal and kind, he went to church when he was young and stopped going but is now thinking about going back to God, hes also very smart and has involved me absolutely in his personal life. I would want to forgive and accept him. What would you do? please tell me what country your from and I would prefer adults to answer this question?

If Jesus paid the punishment for our sins then why we still on death row?

Yahushuah (Jesus) paid for your sins because everyone who sinned would either be pit to death or a innocent animal would have to be sacrificed for your stupidity. He paid so we can have a chance at reaching Solyma (Heaven) and can be forgiven by our father Yahuah (God)!!!

How do I legally dwell in the static house all year round?

Assuming you're in the UK, you need planning permission to live on your own land. I think you can get away with it up to 28 days but for any period after that you'd have to apply to your local council. Their main concerns would be with toilet waste. At a push, depending on how visible the caravan is to nearby housing, you could get away with living there for quite a long time before the council get it together to pay a visit. It only takes one person to complain however.

Can i find a no drama chick?

Hah well it would be hard to find a girl who didn't have ANY of those traits. Many girls out there would have one of these faults. It is defenitely possible for a girl to have drive and be insecure at the same time. Girls are complex. Of course there are girls with aspirations, girls who can hold conversations, who are realistic, and have hobbies and don't complain all the time. But just remember that everyone has faults, and no one is perfect. Are you in highschool? I doubt you'll find a girl whos good for a relationship if you are, high school is just not the place. Don't judge a girl by looks, either, usually the prettier and more dolled up a girl is, the more of, the more insecurity and snobbery she tends to have. And remember that often the best relationship candidates start off as being good friends.

To Francine. Will you read my poem, if you must?

Hi. Very touching poem, i like how you control your writing, good narrator voice that rocks, fluid and comfortable, every thing fall into place nicely. deep impression. Francine is a very lucky woman. Nice poem.

I'm emotionally unavailable, how do I change that?

I'm tired of my relationships breaking apart because of my lack of emotion. I don't want to think of the past anymore. I've read that therapy can break my habit of always dwelling on the past, but I don't have the money for a therapist, how can I get over this, without having to spend money?

Christians: Do you believe in the trinity?

To be a Christian you must have recieved the gift of God's salvation which he wants to give to everyone. Now, to believe in that, you have to believe in the trinity. God the father, God the son, God the holy spirit. 3 entities in one God. They are all one God, but different parts, it's nearly impossible to wrap the human mind around, just have faith.

Philosophically speaking, what do you think of these emails I received in regards to my other question?

One person sent you 3 emails? While you ought not to have published the name, your question was in honest good faith. However, you have run into the classic case of "My suffering is worse than YOUR suffering." Let go of suffering . Do what you need to objectively do, ruthlessly.

Did"Modern"Wicca walk away from the words below and is Wicca becoming as splintered as Christianity?

This is the longest version of the Creed I have ever seen. Since Christianity took so much from the old pagan religion I doubt that Wicca will become like it. Has it splintered, in the last 25-30 years I would say it has in the at there are some who believe that it is totally ok to be open and some who still believe in the original Ordains that dictated the secrecy and the reasons for it. But then I became involved about 50 years ago and things were different them.

Do you think he'll get past my lie and forgive me and we could be friends?

I pretended to kind of be and used this other girls pictures online. I like a guy on there and he lives about 1 hr away. I know for sure he is Real. We were just friends but sometimes he was sweet and would kind of flirt with 'me'. When he found out he seemed really mad. He ased to see pictures of me. He started ignoring me whenever I was online and like the day after deleted me as a contact. I apologized and tried telling him I missed him etc and he said to *f off and stop talking to him. I would like for us to be friends.....where do I go from here? I wonder now if he is mad or only 'liked' me for the pictures. If he doesn't talk to me it makes me feel like I'm not good enough and ugly. Idk if I can handle that as I'm struggling atm with my self esteem. This is me, should I share my pictures with him?


First of all.. cheating is the worst thing ever. and should never be forgivin.. honestly. once a cheater always a cheater. So be with a different guy. Hes obviouly not the right guy for you. and for you to do it back.. is just as bad.. soo your both wrong. and youd both be stupid to stay together. cuz you obviously dont love eachother, cuz you cheated.

I have no friends, social anxiety, an eating disorder, depression, and horrible self esteem?

and i don't know what to do anymore. Every night i just sit in my room and cry. My mom SEES this and saying i'm just ''wallowing about my life'' Ive done everything i possibly can. I've told my parents.. they don't care. My mom keeps saying ''I'll book a doctors appointment'' but she never does. She thinks Prozac will solve everything. She's always at work and when i want to talk to her she considers it ''nagging her.'' On top of this all, i'm bullied at school for how i look which just makes my natural social anxiety and self esteem problems worse. I'm obsessed with food and i'm pretty sure i have an eating disorder because i havent gotten my period in over 8 months. I just can't bring myself to eat the amount i truly need on a daily basis.. All i do is sit in my room on the computer. I want to go out and get a job somewhere since i'm almost 16 or meet people somehow, but i find that so difficult because i panic about what people are thinking of me and end up just looking weird. I have no one to talk to and i feel helpless. Will things ever get better? How can i make them better? I feel like i can't do anything..

Why dont people percieve that GOD is reality?

why dont people realize that we are all the same to GOD, and that Self and curroption, and that mere earthly waywardness isent worth it. Most people are missing the most important fact: that the Lord Jesus Christ is worthy. that heaven is better than earth and the world. This is why their unwilling to turn to Christ. The truth is most of the world is merely wallowing in the mire.

Is a mosque the ideal place to pray to God for muslims?

He can pray at home, that will be his masjid and since he is alone he knows there are no hypocrites praying in it defiling the place.

Do I have pride issues?

It's taken 6 years for me to forgive my parents for abusing me and even now I still get angry at them for 2-3 times a day when I remember things that they did in the past

Should I leave him wen he hurts me even if he is depressed?

My boyfriend is depressed he just left his wife 3 years ago and they has 3 kids. He wont talk about them with me. He also gets mad if i talk to my friends or if i want to hang out with them. But he wont say it. Everytime I want to go do that see them or hang out he will have a melt down threatening to leave give up on himself or something bad like stop talking to me. If I cant talk or call he gets mad. If I don't want to be more physical he gets mad. I don't know if thats wrong but I feel like i don't want that all the time. He says I am perfect yet he will say i have to do more. I don't know if I love him anymore or if i ever did. I know he needs me. But i hate me more and more each day. If i leave him I don't know if Ican forgive myself for hurting him. I don't know what to do.

Should i be mad at my dad ?

so my parents got divorced when i was very young around when i was 1. he cheated on her, and thats how i have my half sister. now i love my sister. it wasent her fault at all. and i found some way to forgive her mom. but not all the way, im still pissed but i dont hate her. and not until latley i havent been mad at him. but then i find out that he hasent been paying my child support but is paying hers. he lives in texas and i get to see him only 1 a year if im lucky. now my moms a single hard working mom. and i cant go there now cause he moves around alot. i mean he always finds a temporary home with friends.i just want my father figure back but im starting to get mad at him and i dont know why. should i be mad ?

In love with a mostly straight girl in a Catholic girls boarding school, and she has a boyfriend. HELP?

Wow your questions were so emotionally intense to the point of me wanting to give you a longwinded answer. Ha ha apologize in advance because this will be a very long one... I truly feel bad for you and I don't even know you. Ha guess because I felt the same way about a few str8 guy crushes in the my past. Unfortunately from my understanding (well reading) you must try your best to keep it moving.. Honestly that chick is using you for her temporary comforts and that ain't right at all. As much as you care for her it isn't fair for you to have too deal with Bf competition. Even if she hooked up with you and dropped him what happens when she spots someone else?. (hmm) Do you believe that she would stick with you or add another to the equation?. You shouldnt have to even fight for her love ooh-hell naw!. She really should naturally want be by your side.. It seems easy for her be so free judging by how you described this chick. She is one of those Ima stay on the fence type of chicks. Not really accepting her actions and stuff. Do you know if she "really even is Bisexual?." I know of chicks that would romantically kiss me too while sloppy drunk and all. But Im basically a homosex male you know so thats just all in fun and games. Shoot some chicks like doing it as some kind of "look at me" trend. And if you gave it to her orally it sounds like she was into it only for a nut. Ugh how effin selfish but you know those deceitful people are out there...However your feelings are involved and thats something very serious. She needs to be told not to "F" with your "effin" feelings!. My bad now I went on a rant for you. Ha ha but please try and protect your heart more better. You deserve someone who will really love you back. I know I don't know you but I have some good sense. Can tell that you have a big heart so give all that loving to a Woman who knows your worth. Let that chick have her little Bf don't entertain her drama's. If she cared any it will hit her later on like a ton of bricks when you already moving on. If all else fails than Karma can quite possibly be the cruelest ***** ever. (wink)

Should I leave him wen he hurts me even if he is depressed?

My boyfriend is depressed he just left his wife 3 years ago and they has 3 kids. He wont talk about them with me. He also gets mad if i talk to my friends or if i want to hang out with them. But he wont say it. Everytime I want to go do that see them or hang out he will have a melt down threatening to leave give up on himself or something bad like stop talking to me. If I cant talk or call he gets mad. If I don't want to be more physical he gets mad. I don't know if thats wrong but I feel like i don't want that all the time. He says I am perfect yet he will say i have to do more. I don't know if I love him anymore or if i ever did. I know he needs me. But i hate me more and more each day. If i leave him I don't know if Ican forgive myself for hurting him. I don't know what to do.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Should I forgive her, or tell her to get out of my life?

Last night I had a friend over and we were drinking. She got extremely drunk and starting hitting on my boyfriend of 3 years. Then she proceeded to sit on his lap the whole entire night and not let me spend some time with him. Then this morning my boyfriend tells me that she also kissed him. I dont know if i can trust her anymore and I dont know if I can even be friends with her anymore. What would you do if you were in a situation like this? I just dont see how one of my so called 'Best friend's can do this to me and think that i would be ok with it. I am so not ok with it! What should I do ??

I suspect I have Asperger's Syndrome. What now?

Only thing you can really do is work on your social skills. You can find a therapist or some kind of communication specialist. Anyone who frequents the mental health section should know aspergers is on the autism spectrum, but only really affects the social aspect. Most people with the disorder are of normal if not above average intelligence. You just kinda lack the capability to internalize social norms of communication. Working on it helps. Eye contact is the most important. But you really need to make sure you have aspergers and not just some anti social side effect of another disorder.

I'm very depressed at this moment..what do I do now with this girl?

why are you leaving your choice to be happy to a girl!!! are you serious. everything happens for a reason.. maybe she isn't right for you and maybe there's someone else who you'll be happier with. get out an enjoy life to the fullest. :)

Boyfriend trouble: help?

About a week ago I found out that my boyfriend was doing stuff with his ex girlfriend) (they grinded at the club, she kissed him a couple of months ago and they were flirting a lot over text (they were doing some bet or game thing and she said if she wins...he has to tell his best friend and me that she and my bf were getting back together). It completely shattered me emotionally and although we had a huge discussion about it and he showed his remorse and i forgave him, i am finding it very hard to trust him. i've been feeling sick over this issue for the past few days now. what can I do?

Why did Allah punish Thamud and Qaabeel although they were remorseful of what they did?

You should ask a scholar or knowlegdable imam. It's highly unlikely that anyone is going to give an honest answer on this website.

My little brother spit on my mother, what should I do?

He's 18 years old and has really bad anger issues. He calls me, my mom, my dad and my sisters b*tches, as*holes, etc. He throws stuff all over the place and breaks things when he doesn't get what he wants. So today he got mad because my mother wouldn't give him any money so he spit at her face and called her a b*tch, this is not the first time that this has happened. He immediately ran away and my mom was SO PISSED! She said that that is it, but like before, she lets his punk but right back in the house. What can I do to stop this kid that wont result me landing in prison? My parents refuse to kick him out (because he's oh such a great kid), and my mom forgives him everytime. What can I do?

I want to get my life together. At least one aspect of it. Where should I start?

First you always need to believe in yourself. Sometimes we work in situations that are not representing us in our best light but this far from means you are incapable of success or achievements. For example if you ask for the benefits, a set salary, the three weeks vacation but forget to ask for a nice boss and get a boss that is unappreciative and over loads you with work do you think that it is your fault and you are not good enough or do you realize that the expectations placed on you are not realistic and super woman herself would fall behind and loose desire to please in this work environment too? Yes she would, so at the end of the day you are doing better than anyone else with a nice boss as you take on the challenge and still accomplish what is physical possible while at the same time having negative energy around you at work everyday. Remember to live in the moment take on each task and only one task, do what you need to in that moment and if you do not have enough time finish each moment it is what it is... Remember to ALWAYS Believe in your self, it makes finding a job much easier.

How do you think about this girl?

A girl want to hide some mistakes that she made to me and she is afraid of what I can't forgive her. How do you think about this action and this girl? Is she afraid of taking responsibility?

How do I get my dad to treat me better...?

you need to tell your mom this, and friends or not what he's doing to you and saying to you is verbally abusive and physically abusive and sexually abusive. he's also an alcoholic from what it sounds like, i've seen this happen to friends, he's one step away from beating you for saying the wrong thing or sexually assaulting you in a drunken fit. You can tell yourself it won't happen but it will my suggestion is leave move in with your mom for about a month make sure your horses are registered with you and you have whatever paper work you need to prove it, if he sells them sue him, if he neglects them, call the animal police or the aspca. but if you choose to stay with him keep in mind if you are outdoors it's considered public conversation so you can record it with out him knowing it and it's legal and admissible in court. also you can stop cleaning up after him keep doing your chores but let it be known you aren't his maid your his daughter and let him know that he's the worst father ont he planet. and a decent father wouldn't treat a daughter like this and next time he makes a comment about his drinking being the only reason ur alive tell him and the only reason you are still alive is because i have to be 18 to own a gun. don't EVER let anyone treat you like this if you do you it'll seem normal to you and when you meet a guy you will think it's ok to be treated like this and it isn't and if you can keep your mom on the phone when he starts to act like this and tell her to listen you are going to pretend like you aren't on the phone with anyone and when he starts it up you have a witness or get on the phone with a friend immediatly witnesses are always great. If you let this go it will escalate to him beating you assaulting you possibley raping you and killing you. do NOT take this THIS IS ABUSE BOTH VERBAL MENTAL AND SEXUAL. if you have to kiddo, go to womens shelter they will help with legal help getting to and from school, keeping you safe and if he tries to find you or suddenly don't show up you can instruct them to call the police because something probably happened. it's ok it's not your fault it's his you didn't do ANYTHING wrong he did. he's a bad father and a bad person.

What's the worst feeling in the world?

For me, being left behind. Feeling derelict in a world cruel world. I hate the sickening feeling of watching everyone move on while you are stuck wallowing in failure.

Why do I even bother?

This filth will have a negative effect on your health and pregnancy. You are better off in a temporary shelter. If the dogs are not cared for, call animal control. What you've described is disgusting and dangerous. Please get out of there. Ask at a local church to see if they can refer you to a safe shelter. Good luck.

Giants in the Bible (the Anankim, "sons of Anak") -- parallel account of the "Annunaki" of Sumeria?

Nephilim actually translates to "those who came down" or "fallen ones". The translation of nephilim to mean physical giants is an error.

How do you forgive someone who gives you the silent treatment?

I was wondering how do you forgive someone who gives you the silent treatment I can't seem to find the courage to call my cousin and to forgive her cuz I haven't forgive myself yet . It's really hard when you don't speak to someone you are close to. It feels I've lost a piece in my heart. It's hurting a lot. I want to forgive but I'm still hurt why is that. I need advice.

Is it insensitive to send a form letter to break up with someone? It is just so much easier.?

Dear ______________________, these past several __________________ have been wonderful, but there are just some things that I cannot forget or forgive. One of these is when you _________________________ and ______________________ without telling me.

U.S. Government, Bin Laden, The lie of the century?

Yes, everything is actually the exact opposite of what everyone is saying happened. It's the only thing that makes any sense, unless you're one of the sheeple.

My Old Defensive Beatdown Deck?

Its a decent deck but dont you think you need a few offensive monsters. Try blue eyes, D. Magician. monsters like that. Because if you dont get to inflict any damage the duel will end with the loser being the person who cant draw anymore cards. Good deck but it just needs a few higher attack monster.

I am completely obsessed with mental health and suicide?

You do have obsessive thoughts, that's quite clear. I'm sort of the way you are with the getting to know people who have major problems. I seem to always be drawn to people who have mental disorders, want to commit suicide, have had an abusive past, etc. I don't feel a rush out of but I feel good about myself when I can try helping someone. I'm really interested in what you're obsessed with. You should maybe be a psychologist. I think you should see a psychiatrist and explain everything to him/her. Maybe you have a mental disorder that's triggering you to behave like this. I really don't know what's wrong with you but that's all I can say. I hope I helped.

Jesus says he forgives us for all our sins, but if we do wrong we are punished to hell?

Jesus says he forgives us for all our sins, but he he also says if we do wrong we are punished to hell. I thought we'd just been forgiven?! I know no one has the facts, but pinions please:)

How can I help my fiance get over something that happened in my past?

When I was younger I was raped. I acted out in a way I know a lot of people have done. I had my reasons, i was damaged, and I didn't know how else to cope. I have come to terms with my past, I myself have let it go. I know that in the end my actions were not right. But he hates how people are when it comes to sleeping with people. He hates how so many people think its ok to sleep with so many people or that I let myself go through that. He doesn't understand nor will he ever, but it bothers him. he thinks about it a lot. It hurts him so bad to think about what i have done. I tell him the past is the past it doesn't have to do with us. Its only you and me and none of that matters. Its not like i loved them or there was emotion behind it. I know that makes it pointless and it took me meeting him to realize I'm better than that and I don't have to deal with that and that I shouldn't have in the first place but I did and its done. How do I help him get over something that really isn't his problem? How do I help him to realize the past is truly the past? I fear that if he can't learn to let this go its going to continue to hurt our relationship when really there is no reason for it. I don't go around dwelling on the few people he has been with, I know its the past and I know its only me in his eyes but I need help to help him see the same way I do....thanks for your time

I need more answers about my drunk message to her...?

I really like and have been talking to this girl for a while now. Unless she's an idiot, she knows that I like her, but I only sometimes let her know that indirectly. Last night though I was drunk and responded to a message of her by telling her what I thought of her and that she's beautiful, etc.. It was kind of sudden and I regret it. Do you think she thinks im weird now or creepy. what would you do. she doesnt drink and/or know that I do so I really can't tell her I was drunk (dont dwell on this ill tell her soon i drink)


Which celebs really oughtn't to be in the spot light? Which celebs are the most raging ball of fiery arrogance you've ever seen yet people pray to them? And I'm not just talking about rumours, I mean real bitchiness, celebs that put on an innocent face in front of the camera but are just fake, and if a fan were to call them stupid, which they are wallowing in their own empty-headed frivolity, they'd have to stop themselves exploding and revealing their true selves. Those who need a goddamn reality check. Overrated little bitches who everyone seems to blindly idolise, but you don't know where to look and you haters have to find safe ground.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Have you been out with someone who expected perfection/high expectations from you?

I went out with a guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better...

Help me understand my gf +facebook?

my girlfriend kept removing my comments (that i hardly ever post and its just like hey whats up she even kept her ex's comments) anyway so it bugged me, and i tried talking to her about it but it didn't really get through her big fat head that it bugs me so i decided to block her on facebook and she saw it, and she got mad at me and she wouldn't talk to me for about 4 hours, and then we talked about it and she kept saying sorry for removing comments and stuff and i forgave her (i love her so i had no other choice :P) so now im stuck do i keep her blocked to make sure she learns, or do i unblock her so she can "look" at my pictures, and why is she acting like this, she removed me from her friends list + kept removing my comments (id post like once a month or something not everyday)

Son is gay, I don't have a problem with it but evidently he does?

There is substantial evidence that homosexuality (but not sodomy) was accepted in Christian communities prior to the 6th century. I am writing an article on the subject for my cousin. The anti-homosexual passages in Roman and Corinthians seem pretty straight-forward until you study the historical context and the original Greek.

Is the US women's soccer team in the (forgive me) real world of soccer?

i see on yahoo that the women are doing real good (yay women) in the the world cup finals. i an a novice to the world of soccer so I was curious if the Women's team was head for "THE WORLD CUP" or like the Woman's World Cup. Not to signify any difference between the two i am just curios.

Psychic Dreams????????

alot of times i dont have dreams but whenever i do, they're psychic. Everytime i ask someone about it they say they've had like one, but all of mine are pshycic! Like in AZ where i live, there is a fire called the Wallow fire. The fire was starting to burn really close to my aunts cabin and that night i had a dream. I was in her cabin, alone. I was sitting on her porch, and i could see the fire burning the other 3 cabins around hers. The fire started getting close to her cabin, it was burning right up to her porch, then i woke up. Her area was opened about 5 days later and she went to see if her cabin was still there. When she went, all 3 cabins around hers were burnt, and the fire burned right up to her porch! Im pretty freaked out because that was one of my craziest ones! Mostly its just people saying a phrase or something! But this one was so real, i was suprised when i woke up, because i thought it was real. Is this normal or am i a true psychic dreamer?

What dragon cards should I add + Deck recipe?

luster dragon another flute of sd armed dragon lv8 another blue eyes a red eyes a red eyes black chick

How do you avoid feeling bad/guilty when you didn't feel "good enough"?

I went out with an guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. The first time we met we get along sooo well, it was "to natural".During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better... He expected me to literally be this "perfect" girl...

How do I set up a Virgin Mobile prepaid plan on a used phone that was given to me?

Ok, my fiancee just got a used Virgin Mobile Blackberry phone with no plan and no packaging, literally just the phone and nothing else. How do we go about setting up a prepaid plan on it. We want the $25 a month, 300 minutes, unlimited texting plan. The serial numbers and whatnot are underneath the battery, so we have all that information. Forgive us, we're just a little "cell phone illiterate" lol. (No trolling please!)

Depression without clinical help?

Sounds like you need something stronger than St Johns Wort. An md or a clinic can prescribe meds to help you deal with your depresssion. You can call this number anytime to talk to someone who will help: 800-273-TALK (8255)

I need computer help because i stupidly deleted something important from it T.T?

I was cleaning out my laptop manually and i didn't realize but something i deleted made it so that i can't download anything from the internet. Usually when you click to update something or download something, a bar pops up in the top that you have to click to download the produce, well that doesn't pop up for me either. I also go on facebook to play a game and when i click the game it just shows a blank white screen where the game is suppose to be. It doesn't tell me to update my adobe player and even if it did i can't :( i can't download anything at all and when i try it tells me this "Internet Explorer was not able to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later." well it can be found and theres nothing wrong with the link given to me it just wont wallow the download. Can anyone tell me what i might of deleted to have this happen to my laptop??? plzzz i rly need to fix this cuz my mom is using my school laptop to play her damn games and i need it for school T.T

Why am I so unlucky.......?

No, you're definitely not the most unlucky person alive. How can you be sure no one has truly loved you? Maybe by learning some social skills you can acquire more friends. Within those friends, try to get a variety of men and women (so maybe one day you can date one of the women). Instead of worrying about different women (which I'm glad you DO have a heart though), worry about your career, your vacation, your self-improvement. If she gets used for sex...well, that's too bad for her. You should tell her firmly but reasonably that you are worried about her getting hurt. If she doesn't believe you, or does not appreciate it, then don't persist. You should think about the things you TRULY want before you can say that you can't get them. Good luck.